The Angstageddon! It's coming!

Once upon a time there were no tampons in three out of the four girls' bathrooms. We complained to the front office. Now there are magical tampon bowls. We are the tampon heroes of our elitist prep school. And how fine it is!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Writers Of This Blog,

No, not THIS one, this one.

You've gotten confused. This is a drag queen, not a Lady Gaga imitator. Lady Gaga is influenced by Drag Queen style. Don't hate on the Drag Queens for looking like Lady Gaga. They are the original flavor. That's like telling Big Mama Thornton to quit singing Elvis' tunes. If you don't know what I'm talking about Big Mama sang Hound Dog long before Elvis, and it made HELL of a lot more sense when she sang it.

1 comment:

  1. i love this post. it made me genuinely happy. and it's true. the drag queens have being doing this shit for centuries, if not at least since marlene dietrich and her ilk started making the world a better place. gagz wants to be a drag queen because she wants to be david bowie who has some serious drag flavors.

    tsk tsk, other blog.
