The Angstageddon! It's coming!

Once upon a time there were no tampons in three out of the four girls' bathrooms. We complained to the front office. Now there are magical tampon bowls. We are the tampon heroes of our elitist prep school. And how fine it is!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some Serious Truth

Love the Glück.

"when a living thing is hurt like that,
in its deepest workings,
all function is altered.

That's why I'm not to be trusted.
Because a wound to the heart
is also a wound to the mind."

It's weird when you write a poem and it doesn't really work and then you find another poem that said exactly what you were trying to say and they did it first. Sucks. I am referring to "The Revenger", by the way.


  1. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
    she is my current obsession. we all want to be her.
