The Angstageddon! It's coming!

Once upon a time there were no tampons in three out of the four girls' bathrooms. We complained to the front office. Now there are magical tampon bowls. We are the tampon heroes of our elitist prep school. And how fine it is!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mustaches of the Nineteenth Century

Apparently, this Civil War vet Ambrose Burnside gave his name to the sideburn. Or so this blog tells us.

This is the first Mustache Monday. I know it's Tuesday, but it's Monday in India. I think. Anyway, I'm always late for everything. But here's a Mustache for Monday. Enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. i want something as ubiquitous as sideburns named after me. we could make up facial hair called Lochkotols. it has a nice ring to it.
