The Angstageddon! It's coming!

Once upon a time there were no tampons in three out of the four girls' bathrooms. We complained to the front office. Now there are magical tampon bowls. We are the tampon heroes of our elitist prep school. And how fine it is!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Doin' The DON'T

This Tamponette got a little too snip-happy with her bang trimming today and went searching for pictures of people with short bangs and long hair on the advice of another Tamponette. The search revealed this image, which is exactly my current haircut, except not blonde. Okay, maybe my bangs are a little longer, but not by much. So I click the picture to see what Marie Claire, whoever she is, has to say on the subject. Apparently, it's a "Celebrity DON'T".
Whatever, Marie Claire. I actually look kind of tough.

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